Top 10 Most Popular Handguns - A handguns is a gun designed for use with short hands and fired two bullets at close range (usually an effective distance of 50 m). Created for the defense used against offensive attacks, because the original purpose is to hurt the gun to incapacitate an attacker.
There is also a pneumatic gun that uses compressed air or gas instead of gas produced by combustion of gunpowder, this is rarely used for attacks against others due to the low stopping power for the relatively low output speed are balls fired small caliber, however are mostly used for target shooting and small game. And here are Top 10 Most Popular Handguns in the world.
Top 10 Most Popular Handguns:
1. Glock-17
Glock calls usually are a series of semi-automatic pistols designed and manufactured by Glock Ges.mbH, in Deutsch-Wagram, Austria. The founder of the company, the engineer Gaston Glock had no experience with the design and production of weapons at the time of their first gun, the Glock 17. He had, however, experience in advanced synthetic polymers and essential for the production of the first series of polymer pistols with a castle. Glock also introduced the ferritic nitrocarburizing in weapons such as anti-corrosion coating for metal parts.
2. Smith & Wesson .500 S&W Magnum

The S & W Model 500 produced by Smith & Wesson double-action revolver. The S & W Model 500 is the world’s most powerful series-built in large handgun and ammunition of the caliber misses .500 S & W Magnum.
3. FN Herstal FNP-9

The FN FNP is a fist weapon of the FNH USA, the American branch of the Belgian arms manufacturer FN Herstal. The FNP model was introduced in early 2006 in three calibers. In February 2008, the .357 SIG version introduced. The gun is available in five basic models. The gun is made from polymer. Only the slide is stainless steel.
4. Beretta 92

The Beretta 92 (also known variants Beretta 96, Beretta 98 and Beretta M9) is a semi-automatic pistol with breech locking with locking swing designed and built by factory Beretta arms. Designed in 1972 and produced in many variations over the years is still a weapon of reference in military and civil defense. It became widely known after being adopted by the U.S. military to replace the Colt M1911 as a sidearm for U.S. soldiers, taking the name of Beretta M9.
5. Walther P99

The Walther pistol P99 is the newest and most innovative among the weapons of the German court of Ulm. The project started in 1994 and the weapon is brought to the market in 1996.
6. QSZ -92

The QSZ-92 is a semi-automatic pistol Chinese designed by Norinco. It is in service with the Chinese military since the late 1990s. It is also used by Chinese police and army Bangladesh.
7. M1911 pistol

The Colt M1911 semi-automatic pistol is a single action .45 caliber ACP. Designed by John Moses Browning was the pistol of the U.S. Armed Forces from 1911 to 1985. It was widely used in the first and second World War, Korea and Vietnam. In total, M1911 and M1911A1 versions.
8. Mark 23

The HK MK23 (stands for Heckler & Koch Mark23) is an semi-automatic pistol, manufactured in Germany by Heckler & Koch.
9. HS2000/XD

The semi-automatic pistol HS-2000 is the main sidearm of the Croatian Army. Its production started in 1999 to replace the HS-95.
10. SIGP250
The SIG SAUER P250 is a German automatic pistol developed by J.P. Sauer & Sohn, and SIG Sauer of Exeter, New Hampshire. These are
Top 10 Most Popular Handguns.
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